During a spelling contest in which the prize was a fine Bible, the contestants were finally reduced to two—Betty, the daughter of a poor, hard-working widow, and Susan, the daughter of a well-to-do farmer. The sympathy of the school was with the poor girl. Finally Susan misspelled a word, and Betty won the coveted prize. Going home, Susan’s mother said to her daughter, “Couldn’t you have spelled that word?” “Yes, Mother.” “Then why didn’t you do it?” “Well, you know Betty is quite poor, and she doesn’t get many presents. She wanted the Bible very much, and she tried so hard for it that I thought I’d let her have it.” “What made you do that, Susie?” “My Sunday school lesson, Mother, which said, ‘in honor preferring one another.’ So I thought I’d try it, and I’m glad I did.” A few days later, Susan received as a birthday present a beautiful Bible, and on the flyleaf was written the text, “In honor preferring one another” (Rom. 12:10).