
The Word of God corrects us. That is a particularly interesting word. When flying to Florida, it seemed to me like a pretty straight shot from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale. But in the cockpit of the airplane is a fine-tuned radar mechanism. All during the trip, the plane is flown on automatic pilot, which continually yet imperceptibly corrects the course of the plane to keep it on track. That’s what God’s Word does for us. It nudges us to keep us on course. It keeps affecting the way we think, the way we draw conclusions, and the way we make our daily life decisions.

Man’s Testimony

How important is it to read the Bible? Here is the answer of some of America’s historically prominent men:

Andrew Jackson said, “That book, sir, [the Bible] is the rock on which our republic rests.”

George Washington put it this way: “It is impossible to righteously govern the world without God and the Bible….”

Charles Dickens stated, “The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world.”

Horace Greeley asserted, “It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people.”

Finally President Woodrow Wilson urged, “I ask every man and woman in this audience that from this day on we realize that part of the destiny of America lies in their daily perusal of this Book [the Bible].”

Reading the Bible and following its instructions will enable you to find Christ as your all-sufficient Savior. Further, regular reading will minimize your anxieties, decrease appetite for lying, cheating, stealing, immorality, and all manner of sin. You will realize real peace, joy, and love in your life.

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