Saints in Wrong Places
The sins committed by ancient Israel were recorded “for our admonition” (1 Cor. 10:6, 11) that we might not make the same mistakes. Many great men have failed God because they were found in the wrong places. In the form of a question, we introduce several of the “wrong places” where some great servants of God failed. Are you on the slippery path of dishonesty, as was Abraham when he went down to Egypt (see Gen. 12:10–20)? Since his wife, Sarah, was such a beautiful woman, Abraham feared that the Egyptians might kill him in order to have her. To prevent this, Abraham deceived them by telling them she was his sister. It was only a “half-truth” for Sarah was Abraham’s half-sister (Gen. 20:12). We have a modern name for what Abraham did: “situation ethics,” the philosophy which says that one’s ethics are determined by the situation in which he finds himself. According to this concept, there is no absolute standard of morality, no objective basis for conduct. Thus, one may lie, cheat, commi...