Old Ben Putnitoff
Ben Putnitoff was a member of the Lord’s church. Morally, he was a good man. He did not lie, curse, drink, beat his wife, or smoke. He paid his income tax, came to Bible class and worship services, paid his bills and gave a “few bucks” to the Lord. He was never opposed to anything that was good.
One day old Ben Putnitoff died and stood before the Righteous Judge. The Judge said, “Ben, you are charged with trying to close the church. Are you guilty or not guilty?”
“Not guilty,” pleaded Ben Putnitoff. “I didn’t do a thing!”
“Guilty as charged,” the Judge ruled. And then He continued, “Ben, you have confessed to the most effective way ever devised of closing the church. You ‘did not do a thing.’ You did not visit the sick. You did not encourage the weak. You did not feed the hungry. You did not reach out to the lost with the gospel.”
“But, Judge,” Ben pleaded, “I intended to do all of those things, but I was too busy making a living and enjoying myself. I have just been putting it off.”
One day old Ben Putnitoff died and stood before the Righteous Judge. The Judge said, “Ben, you are charged with trying to close the church. Are you guilty or not guilty?”
“Not guilty,” pleaded Ben Putnitoff. “I didn’t do a thing!”
“Guilty as charged,” the Judge ruled. And then He continued, “Ben, you have confessed to the most effective way ever devised of closing the church. You ‘did not do a thing.’ You did not visit the sick. You did not encourage the weak. You did not feed the hungry. You did not reach out to the lost with the gospel.”
“But, Judge,” Ben pleaded, “I intended to do all of those things, but I was too busy making a living and enjoying myself. I have just been putting it off.”