Christ’s Ownership in His People
Spurgeon also wrote:
“If I possess a love-token that some dear one has given me, I may rightly desire to have it with me. Nobody can have such a right to your wedding ring, good sister, as you have yourself; and are not Christ’s saints, as it were, a signet upon his finger, a token which his Father gave him of his good pleasure in him? Should they not be with Jesus where he is, since they are his crown jewels and his glory? We in our creature love lift up our hands and cry, ‘My Lord, my Master, let me have this dear one with me a little longer. I need the companionship of one so sweet, or life will be misery to me.’ But if Jesus looks us in the face, and says, ‘Is thy right better than mine?’ we draw back at once. He has a greater part in his saints than we can have.”