Coming Deliverer

During the dark days of the struggle for Italian liberty the people generally looked upon Garibaldi as their invincible deliverer. Prisoners, hurried away to loathsome dungeons, would be cheered as they passed along the streets by friends whispering in their ears, “Courage, Garibaldi is coming!” Men would steal out at night and chalk on the walls and pavements, “Garibaldi is coming!” And when the news of his approach near to a city was announced the people broke out into the rapturous shout, “Garibaldi is coming!” He came and Italy broke her political and religious fetters, never to be so enslaved again. A greater than Garibaldi is coming to God’s people. The Desire of all nations is on the way. Jesus is coming, coming to reign, and His kingdom is joy, peace, blessing eternal.
—H. O. Mackey

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