The Divinity of Christ

If I were to attempt to prove the divinity of Christ, instead of beginning with mystery or miracle or the theory of the atonement, I should simply tell you the story of His life and how He lived and what He said and did and how He died, and then I would ask you to explain it by any other theory than that He is divine. Reared in a carpenter’s shop, having no access to the wisdom of the other races and people, He yet, when about thirty years of age, gave to the world a code of morality, the likes of which the world had never seen before, the likes of which the world has never seen since. Then He was put to death. He was nailed to the cross in shame, and those who followed him were scattered or killed. And then, from this little beginning, His religion spread until hundreds of millions have taken his name upon their lips, and millions have been ready to die rather than surrender the faith that He put into their hearts. To me it is easier to believe Him divine than to explain in any other way what He said and did.

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