The Happiest Christian
The happiest and most useful Christians are those whose outflow is spontaneous and commensurate with their intake, whose giving in substance and service is proportionate to their receiving.
They are channels of blessing. Having received the Holy Spirit in fullness, out from within them there flow rivers of living water. Every blessing received makes a new opportunity to pass a blessing on. Increased ability calls for larger service. As riches increase, the opportunity to help spread the gospel increases. As one’s contacts with people multiply and become more intimate, the opportunities to influence them in right directions, to help them to better lives and above all to point them to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, multiply. He who socially, in the business world, or any way, moves in a larger orbit in life, has the wider opportunity to let the light God has given him shine upon other lives to their eternal good. Using life’s opportunities enlarges life’s orbit.
They are channels of blessing. Having received the Holy Spirit in fullness, out from within them there flow rivers of living water. Every blessing received makes a new opportunity to pass a blessing on. Increased ability calls for larger service. As riches increase, the opportunity to help spread the gospel increases. As one’s contacts with people multiply and become more intimate, the opportunities to influence them in right directions, to help them to better lives and above all to point them to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, multiply. He who socially, in the business world, or any way, moves in a larger orbit in life, has the wider opportunity to let the light God has given him shine upon other lives to their eternal good. Using life’s opportunities enlarges life’s orbit.
—Charles A. Cook
The Larger Stewardship
(Judson Press)