Missing the Opportunity
Several years ago, in one of our Western cities, the church was preparing to entertain a conference of Christian workers. Among those who were expected, was a man whose reputation was almost worldwide. Because of his saintliness, and because of his splendid powers of mind, even the great had delighted to do him honor. When it was known that he would honor the conference with his presence, there was a sharp strife among the good women as to who should have the privilege of entertaining the distinguished guest. By and by, it was decided that he should stay in the home of the wealthiest man in the church.
Late on the night before the opening of the conference, there came a ring at the door of the rich man. Upon opening the door, the mistress of the house found a plainly dressed old man, who explained that he had been told he was to be entertained at this place. The lady replied somewhat sharply that it was a mistake, as she had no room, other than for those she had promised to take. Seeing the hurt look on the old man’s face, she told him he might try the house across the street, as she knew they had promised to accommodate several of the delegates. The stranger did as she suggested, but with like result. As there was no hotel in this suburb, there was nothing for him to do but to return to the little waiting-station and there pass the night. Imagine the chagrin of the rich woman and her neighbor when they learned that the man they had turned away was the one they had so desired to honor. If the faithful Jews in the town of Bethlehem could have known that they were missing the opportunity of taking into their homes him whom they had longed to honor, there would have been many open doors to the weary pilgrims that memorable night.