No Laughing Matter

Are you one of those who believes that “pain is gain?”
At Massachusetts General Hospital, in October, 1846, Dr. William Morton employed ether for a surgical amputation and the science of anesthesiology officially began. Painless surgery quickly became the norm that it is today.
Actually, itinerant performers had been using nitrous oxide for years as a party gag. In 1842, Dr. Crawford Long of Jefferson, Georgia, attended an “ether party.” He was very mystified at how participants stumbled around laughing, yet feeling no pain. Crawford convinced a friend to try it for the removal of a tumor. The procedure was a success, but Crawford didn’t publish his findings ahead of Morton, thus losing the credit.
Today there are more sophisticated anesthetic methods to eliminate the pain. But when it comes to emotional pain, there’s no relief. In fact, suffering that is incurred as the result of following Christ is essential. God inspired: “If you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God” (1 Pet. 2:20 niv). God’s Son, Jesus Christ, endured enormous pain to pave our way back to God. We should be willing to do no less.
Remember: Christian wanna-bees should know this: “no pain, no reign.”

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