A Privileged Life

It all started with a knock at the door. My mom and dad met in 1981, dated and lived together for seven tumultuous years before they decided to marry. My mom and DJ dad lived a very crazy life that consisted of disco dancing parties, and drugs.

My dad finally asked my mom to marry him on their seventh year of their relationship, and my sister, Adrianne, was five years of age. Although my mom wanted a quick wedding at the courthouse, my dad ended up turning it into a crazy Mexican wedding. They were married at a Catholic church by a Hispanic priest. My mom and dad did not understand a word he said, but my mom was happy knowing that they were going to be right in the eyes of God. They were finally married.

As the years went by, my mom started desperately seeking God because she knew they needed a spiritual, solid foundation not only for their marriage, but for my sister as well. She was seeking Him through Jehovah’s Witnesses, and she was ready to visit the Catholic Church in their new neighborhood-Burbank. After my mom had a secret bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses, behind my dad’s back because he didn’t agree with their beliefs, trying desperately to make things right with God, and trying to learn more about Him: Dennis Wheeler, from Victory Tabernacle, knocked at their door.
My mom was in the middle of brushing her teeth, and when she heard the knock she ran to the door. Dennis had the biggest smile on his face, and he kindly asked my mom if she would answer a survey about God. She was so taken aback, and excited about the mention of God, she didn’t realize she still had the toothbrush in her mouth with the toothpaste practically dripping. Dennis laughed and said he could wait for her to rinse her mouth, and when he offered to give my mom a bible study, my mom was so happy there were no pamphlets or books, it was straight from the Bible.
A year after my parents came to church, I was born. As a child of God, I have never experienced what many teenagers have experienced. Aside from the obvious, like drugs and alcohol, I have never: been in a barber chair, overdosed, had an abortion, been afflicted with a transmitted disease, been to a party where you can only guess what takes place, put on makeup, been in a movie theater, been in a rehab, etc. Going to a public school, not only have I been faced with temptations and questions, but I have also seen the unhappiness teenagers without God face every day of their lives. Because of my parents’ decision to raise me in church, I have experienced God’s touch, his love and his mercy over and over again. Receiving the Holy Ghost, and being renewed are times I will never forget. Being able to be in his presence should never be taken for granted. God has blessed me tremendously as a young person, and I am glad I am separated from the craziness of the world. I have in my heart the joy and happiness many teenagers are searching and longing for.
As a result of that bible study, my mom and dad have been living for God for seventeen years, and they have had the privilege to raise my sisters, and me in church. My sisters and I have been dedicated unto God, received the Holy Ghost, and have been baptized in His Name. Like Brother Newman said, my testimony is, God has been faithful. He has protected me and provided my every need. He has been there through all of my pain and loneliness. I am privileged to have been raised in church, and I will forever be grateful for the knock at my parents’ door.


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