The Shepherd and the Lost Sheep

In the life of Dr. Moody Stewart the story is told that, when a boy, he was greatly surprised one day to find all the sheep in the field standing close in a circle with their faces outward. Two foxes had run off with two lambs and the sheep at once drove the lambs together and formed a circle around them for their defense. A gentleman commenting on this story recalls the fact that wild horses and wild deer do that when attacked by wolves. Sheep were probably once quite wild, and in their wild state they were far stronger and braver than they are now. In great danger their original nature rushes upon them and arms them for the defense of their lambs. If the sheep risk their lives for the sake of their lambs, surely the Good Shepherd will defend His own. Again and again He tells us that He laid down His life for the sheep. His sheep were lost in the wilderness, ready to perish, and He went into the wilderness to seek and to save them. And He considers even one sheep well worth saving. He leaves the ninety and nine in the fold, and goes after the one that has strayed. He cares for each as if it were His one ewe lamb.

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