Shining for Christ
Elsie Lyle took a journey by rail. As the train was starting her pastor said to her: “I am glad you have a holiday, and traveling will give you a good opportunity to shine for Jesus.” She wondered how in a railway-carriage she could do anything for Jesus. In front of her was a poor woman with three ragged, untidy children. They did not look very inviting, but she said: “I am one of Christ’s disciples and I must be careful how I treat one of his little ones.” She read to them and gave them some of her lunch, and was so occupied in entertaining them that she came to the end of her journey before she realized it. When she reviewed the day’s work she said to herself: “Mr. Wardwell said traveling gave good opportunity to shine for Jesus and I have not spoken a word for Christ all day.” A few days later Mr. Wardwell said to her, “Mr. Smith, the lawyer, who sat on the opposite side of the carriage you traveled in the other day, says he wishes to become a Christian. He said: ‘I traveled lately with Elsie Lyle, who had just confessed her love for Christ, and for a half-day she proved an angel of mercy to a worn-out mother and three fretful children and never appeared to think of herself for a moment. What the Spirit of Christ has done for her I want done for me.’ And the best of it all is, Elsie, he is now a Christian and your shining face led him to Christ.”