Compassion of Christ

At a railway station in New Jersey a little girl stepped up to a shackled criminal, and looking tenderly into his face, said: “Oh, man, I am so sorry for you.” It made him very angry, and he tried to strike her. Her mother forbade her to go near him again. But as they all waited for the train the mother’s eyes were turned away, and once more the little tot stole up to the wretched man and tenderly whispered to him: “Poor man, Jesus Christ is so sorry for you.” He started and gave a low groan and offered no violence. Suddenly the train came, the officers led him away, and the two parted forever. But years afterwards the man came forth from prison a Christian and an evangelist, and he loved to tell how the compassion of the Lord Jesus from the lips of a little child broke his heart, subdued his spirit, saved his soul. It is not our sympathy men want, but His!

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