Consecration of the Poor
A poor widowed laundry woman lost her daughter and only child. A few days after the funeral, she called on the clergyman who had attended her in her illness, and, handing him a packet containing 20 pounds, asked that it might be conveyed to some missionary society. The clergyman, well knowing her circumstances, naturally hesitated; but with great modesty she urged him to take it, and said: “When my child was born, I thought, ‘She’ll live to get married some of these days,’ and I thought I would begin to put by a little sum to be a store for her then, and I began that day with sixpence. You know what happened last week. Well, I thought to myself, the heavenly Bridegroom has come, and He has called her home to be His bride; and I thought, as He has taken the bride, it is only right He should have the dowry.”