Courage on Quiet Days

There are a great many helps to courage in numbers and display. The music of marching feet, the brilliancy of uniform and flag, and, above all, the military band with its martial tunes which make the air vibrate with martial feeling. A woman in an American town hurried to the window not long ago at the sound of the band, to see the soldiers marching. “If I were a man,” she exclaimed, “I should be a soldier myself! I know I could shoot if they kept the band playing all the time.” How many who can fight the battle of life while the band plays faint by the wayside when they must go out in cold blood and sternly struggle with the hard duties of quiet days! But the noblest heroes among men and women are those who in silence and in quiet, in unreported battles do their duty for Christ’s sake and for the love of their fellow men. The newspapers may not herald their bravery, but God recognizes it, and they shall have something better than the medal of the Legion of Honor in God’s good time.

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