The Evidence of Things Unseen

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:1).
It was rumored that underneath a certain piece of ground there was iron to be found, and two men were appointed to go and inspect the land and see whether there was really iron there. One man, a scientist and mineralogist, was very conscious of his own limitations; and knowing his own weaknesses, he took with him some scientific instruments. The other man, who was buoyant and self-confident, said, “I believe what I can see, and what I can’t see I won’t believe”; and so he walked over the field, and got over it in no time. He said, “Iron? nonsense! I see no iron; there is no iron here.” This man went to the syndicate and said, “There is no iron there: I walked all over the field and I could not see a trace of it.” The other man did not trust to his eye at all. He carried in his hand a little crystal box, and in that little crystal box there was a needle, and he kept watching that needle. He paused, for the needle in that crystal box had pointed down like the very finger of God, and he said, “There is iron there.” He passed on, until again that needle pointed down, and he said, “There is iron there,” and when he handed in this report he said, “From one end of the field to the other there is iron.” “Oh!” said one of the adherents of the first man, “how do you know, when you did not see it?” “Because,” he said, “that which cannot be seen with the eye can be magnetically discerned.”

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