Faith and Character
A. J. Gordon while traveling on a train fell into debate with a fellow passenger on the subject of justification by faith. Said the man to Dr. Gordon: “I tell you, God deals with men, not with a little bit of theological scrip called faith; and when the Almighty admits one to Heaven he makes rigid inquiry about his character, and not about his faith.” Presently the conductor came along and examined the tickets. When he had passed, Dr. Gordon said, “Did you ever notice how the conductor always looks at the ticket, and takes no pains at all to inspect the passenger? A railway ticket, if genuine, shows that the person presenting it has complied with the company’s conditions and is entitled to transportation. Faith entitles a man to that saving grace that is alone able to produce a character well-pleasing to God. God cares about character; but ‘without faith it is impossible to please God’ ” (see Heb. 11:6).