Intelligent Faith

Ignorance is the chief sin of our time. Some say unbelief is. I think not. Some say the great need is faith. But when we have intelligence we shall have faith. We need knowledge of God. I do think that what people need most in this world today is a belief in God. It is a very rare man that truly and deeply believes in God. If you believe in God, you see Him in everything—in the birds and flowers, and brightness and beauty, as well as when the storms gather and sorrow sweeps over you. If a man believes there is a God, his belief controls him all through his being. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may glorify God” (Matt. 5:16). In order to make other men think of God we must believe in Him, and must have such a strong obedience coming out of our belief that men will take knowledge of us that we believe in God and know Him.
—Alexander McKenzie

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