The Lean Year

The story is told that the aged pastor of a little Scotch church was asked to resign because there had been no conversions in the church for an entire year.
“Aye,” said the old preacher, “its been a lean year, but there was one.”
“One conversion?” asked an elder.
“Who was that?”
“Wee Bobbie,” replied the pastor.
They had forgotten a laddie who had not only been saved but had given himself in full consecration to God. It was “wee Bobbie” who, in a missionary meeting when the plate was passed for an offering asked the usher to put the plate on the floor, and then stepped into it with his bare feet, saying, “I’ll give myself: I have nothing else to give.” This “wee Bobbie,” we are told, became the world renowned Robert Moffat, who, with David Livingstone, gave his life to the healing of the open sores of Africa—then known as the “Dark Continent.”

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