Timely Decision
When Moody and Sankey were conducting services in the mining region of England, coming out of the services one night, they noticed a man sitting just underneath the gallery. Although everybody else had left the church, he still remained. Mr. Moody sat down beside him, and found that he had been a constant attendant upon the services, and that he had determined this night that he would not leave the building until he had settled the question of his soul’s salvation. After prayer and the study of the Bible the matter was settled.
He returned to his home, and the next day entered the mine, where there was a terrific explosion. He was taken out more nearly dead than alive, and carried a little way from the entrance to the mine. One of his friends stooped down to moisten his lips; he was too weak to speak, but they saw his lips moving, and finally they could make out his speech. Over and over again he was saying: “It’s a good thing I settled it last night.”
So it would be for everyone; when God calls, it is dangerous to wait. Today we may yield to His voice; tomorrow may be eternally too late.
—J. Wilbur Chapman