Unlimited Resources

Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman told of a time in his life when a great sorrow had come to him which occasioned his taking a trip into the far West.
One of his elders, a banker, came to see him, and as he was taking his leave he slapped a bit of paper in to Dr. Chapman’s hand. When he looked at it, he found it to be a check made out in his name and signed by the banker, but where there should have been figures it was blank. “Do you mean you are giving me a signed blank check to be filled out as I please?” Dr. Chapman asked. “Yes,” the banker said. “I did not know how much you might need, and I want you to draw any amount that will meet your wants.” “And while I did not use the check,” Dr. Chapman said, “It gave me a comfortable, happy feeling to know that I had millions at my disposal.” So God has given us a signed check in Philippians 4:19. His resources are unlimited, and the more we draw on Him, the better He likes it. “I shall not want” (Ps. 23:1). We shall not want for anything, for God shall supply all our needs.

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