The Wise Use of Money
Some time ago a New York millionaire sat by his window, knowing that the hour of his death was drawing near, and, seeing a street-sweeper at work below, said; “I would give every penny of my fortune if I could change places with that man—if I could have my health back again. I have worked hard during my life and have saved every dollar that I could. And now it is hard to think that I have got to die and leave it all behind.” Evidently this man was in the same condition as that rich farmer whom Jesus tells us about, who meant to store up his goods to feed his soul on, and whom God declared to be a fool (see Luke 12:16–21). If this man had made wise and loving use of his money to bless the world during his lifetime, he would not have had this lament at his death, “How hard it is to think I have to die and leave it all behind.”