The World Growing Smaller
In 1850 India was over a month’s journey from America via clipper ship. Now one can fly to India from the U.S. in a day. In the early 1800’s travel from New York to California involved months of riding on horseback through large tracts of unsettled wilderness. Now a man can cross the continent in a jet airliner within hours. Many years ago it took two weeks at the quickest to get news from London to New York. Today, with computer technology involving the Internet’s World Wide Web, and E-mail, as well as fax machines, satellite communication, and high-tech phone lines, it requires only seconds. The Christian, if he is thoughtful, must not fail to feel the emphasis this puts on the marching order which Christ gave his disciples: “Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” As the world grows smaller our power to fulfill the great command of our Master rapidly increases.