Awaking in Heaven

A story is told of a little girl, who one evening wanted to sit up with the family while they were visiting with their pastor. As the little one became very sleepy, her mother begged her to retire to her room. But she pleaded to remain, because she was so delighted to be with the preacher. Finally, she fell asleep in her mother’s arms and was gently carried upstairs to her bed without awaking. She did not know she was in the upper room till she opened her eyes in the morning. So Enoch visited with God one day and was not, for God took him, carried him away in everlasting arms. What a delightful way to refer to death!

So we might say of our loved ones, carried by angels, or in the arms of Jesus, into the heavenly mansion. They fell asleep in Jesus and did not know they were in the upper room till they awoke in the morning.

This is our resurrection hope. This is what Easter morning means.

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