A Cheerful Giver

We are assured in the New Testament that the Lord loves a cheerful giver, and nothing is more discouraging than to see people give grudgingly for noble causes. A story told by the late Eugene Field illustrates the thought. When Lawrence Barrett’s daughter was married, Stuart Robson sent to the bridegroom a check for five thousand dollars. Miss Felicia Robson, who attended the wedding, conveyed the gift.

“Felicia,” said her father, upon her return, “did you give him the
“Yes, father,” answered the dutiful daughter.
“What did he say?” asked Robson.
“He didn’t say anything,” replied Miss Felicia, “but he shed tears.”
“How long did he cry?”
“Why, father, I didn’t time him; I should say, however, that he wept fully a minute.”
“Fully a minute!” roared Robson.
“Why, I cried an hour after I’d signed it!”

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