Christian Relationships

In Proverbs 27:17 we read: “As iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” John Wesley was such a friend to William Wilberforce, who tried again and again—with seemingly no success—to abolish Britain’s slave trade.

In 1791 Wilberforce received a letter from Wesley which included this exhortation: “Go on, in the power of His might, till even American slavery…shall vanish away before it.” Though Wesley died four days after writing that letter, it remained an inspiration to Wilberforce through years of disappointment after disappointment. Finally, after 20 years, he was able to get a bill passed which abolished the slave trade. Shortly after, slavery was completely outlawed throughout the British Empire. Wilberforce might not have prevailed if it had not been for the encouragement of his friend who strengthened him in the Lord.

Before you pray, “Lord, give me a friend like that,” try praying: “Lord, make me a friend like that.”

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