Heavenly Gain

Are you in the “Golden October” of your life?

If so, you may be susceptible to the frightful disease of “age-phobia.” The symptoms are easy to spot. You reach the age of fifty-nine, a year passes and you can’t say “sixty.” When folks ask your age, your hand mysteriously reflexes to cover your mouth as you answer. Not a day goes by that you aren’t gripped with fear that someone will discover your birth date and begin the subtraction process. Speed limit signs are cruel reminders of your age. Full price is preferable to admitting that you’re eligible for a senior citizen discount. And when birthdays roll around, only inner-circle friends are invited.

A man, who lived a full life and avoided “age-phobia” once wrote, “I enjoy celebrating birthdays. And I am not worried about the alternative because I’m ready any time to leave this world and head for a perfect place.” The Apostle Paul agreed: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21).

Do you have the kind of confidence in your destiny that being chronologically gifted doesn’t upset you? Or, are you bound by the dreaded “age-phobia?”

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