Receiving Grace

Do you reign in life? If not, the reason may be that you do not distinguish between praying and taking. There is a profound difference between entreating for a thing and appropriating it. You may admit that God’s abundant grace is near you through Jesus Christ, and yet you may not quite see the necessity of learning how to take it. Some people are always telegraphing to heaven for God to send a cargo of blessing to them; but they are not at the wharf-side to unload the vessel when it comes. How many of God’s richest blessings for which you have been praying for years have come right close to you, but you do not know how to lay hold of and use them! Note—“They which receive the abundance of grace shall reign” (see Rom. 5:17) The emphasis is not on grace, not on abundance, but on receiving it; and the whole grace of God may be around your life today, but if you have not learned to take it in, it will do you no good.

—F. B. Meyer

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