The “Switch-Key” of the Holy Spirit

The president of the Pennsylvania Railway, was making a quiet tour over one of the branches of the system, and wandered into an out-of-the-way switch-yard, where something one of the yard men was doing did not meet with his approbation. He made some suggestions to the man, who asked: “Who are you that’s trying to teach me my business?” “I am an officer of the road,” replied the president. “Let’s see your switch-key, then,” said the man, suspiciously. Mr. Cassatt pulled from his hip-pocket his key-ring, to which was attached the switch-key, which no railroad man in service is ever without. It was sufficient proof for the switchman, who then did as he was told. This story suggests a great spiritual lesson. If you are going to have any real leadership in dealing with the souls of men, they must see in your conversation, in the tone of your character, in the spirit of your life, that you possess the “switch-key” of the Holy Spirit.

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