Thirty Seven Stood by the Boy
After a pastor had counseled with an eleven-year-old boy one Sunday during the invitation, he happily told the congregation that the lad had accepted Christ and wanted to follow Him.
The Pastor then made and unusual request. In addition to the parents and teachers of this boy, every person who had been his superintendent, leader or teacher was asked to come to the front of the auditorium.
Among those who responded to this call were the following: A nursery worker who recalled singing, “I like to go to church” when the boy was just a toddler. A Beginners superintendent remembered the smiling face of a five-year-old as the child saw seeds sprouting in their Nature Center. A Primary superintendent of the Junior Department rejoiced that he had made those extra visits last year to the home of the lad confined with the measles. For several minutes people moved to the front of the building: thirty-seven adults gathered around the young lad! Each obviously had had a share in the child’s decision for Christ that day.
Every time a child, or anyone for that matter, comes down our aisle to receive Christ, think back and see if you have had anything to do in his/her conversion. Contrariwise, if someone whose life you, as a Christian have touched does not respond to an invitation to accept Christ, perhaps you should examine your life to see why not.
The Sword of the Lord
The Pastor then made and unusual request. In addition to the parents and teachers of this boy, every person who had been his superintendent, leader or teacher was asked to come to the front of the auditorium.
Among those who responded to this call were the following: A nursery worker who recalled singing, “I like to go to church” when the boy was just a toddler. A Beginners superintendent remembered the smiling face of a five-year-old as the child saw seeds sprouting in their Nature Center. A Primary superintendent of the Junior Department rejoiced that he had made those extra visits last year to the home of the lad confined with the measles. For several minutes people moved to the front of the building: thirty-seven adults gathered around the young lad! Each obviously had had a share in the child’s decision for Christ that day.
Every time a child, or anyone for that matter, comes down our aisle to receive Christ, think back and see if you have had anything to do in his/her conversion. Contrariwise, if someone whose life you, as a Christian have touched does not respond to an invitation to accept Christ, perhaps you should examine your life to see why not.
The Sword of the Lord