
Has loneliness ever hung around you, virtually unshakable?

English poet John Milton died in 1674. Although the number of his works is large, his greatest writing is Paradise Lost, completed nine years before his death.

For all his postmortem fame, Milton endured many difficulties in his life. Perhaps those trials refined his material. There was a painful period of separation from his wife. And at the end of his life, he was almost blind and was only able to navigate through each day’s tasks with assistance. His oppressive loneliness once prompted him to pen this truth: “Loneliness is the first thing that God’s eye named not good.”

It was loneliness that prompted God to look at His Creation and make an adjustment by providing Adam and Eve. It was this same Creator that would later say, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken” (Isa. 54:10 niv). No matter how distant you are from God now, know that by beginning a relationship with his Son, Jesus Christ, you will never be all alone again—never again.

Remember: loneliness can’t exist in the unshakable presence of God’s love.


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