What Heaven Will Be
A banquet was to be given to a number of notable people. One of the projectors of it went to a friend, who was in greater authority than himself, and asked with some anxiety what the menu was to be. “I really don’t know,” was the reply. “And you are not concerned about it?” “No; B—,” mentioning the name of a famous caterer, “is to prepare the feast, and that is assurance enough that it will be all right.” He did not have to explain the details. He would not have fully understood them if he had. It was enough to know that the matter was in the hands of one who never made a mistake. When Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you,” He told all that we need to know. He knows our needs and our longings as we do not know them ourselves. It is enough. If His hand is to make ready the feast, we have no need to question as to whether or not it will fully satisfy.