A Poisoned Honor
If we are to credit the annals of the Russian empire, there once existed a noble order of merit, which was greatly coveted by the princes and noblesse. It was, however, conferred only on the peculiar favorites of the Czar, or on the distinguished heroes of the kingdom. But another class shared in its honor in a very questionable form. Those nobles or favorites who either became a burden to the Czar or stood in his way received this decoration only to die. The pinpoint was tipped with poison—and when the order was being fastened on the breast by the imperial messenger the flesh of the person was “accidentally” pricked. Death ensued, as next morning the individual so highly honored with imperial favor was found dead in bed from apoplexy. Satan offered to confer a brilliant decoration upon Adam and Eve—“Ye shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:5). It was poisoned; the wages of sin is death.