Such as You Have
Two mechanics, going home one cold night, passed a lame man who had been on the street all day trying, with little success, to sell his poor wares. “Dear me!” said one of them, “how miserable that poor fellow looks. If I had plenty of money, I should like nothing better than to relieve such cases. The first thing I would do would be to get him a good pair of shoes and a comfortable crutch that would make walking less painful for him.” In the meantime, his friend had stopped and was talking to the lame man.
“Pretty bad walking, neighbor,” he said cheerily. “Take my arm and maybe you can get along better. I am going your way; that is, if you will tell me where you live.” He did not stop until he had seen the man safe in the little room and had succeeded in kindling a fire. He filled the cracks around the window with paper, and left the poor man by his steaming kettle, cheered and comforted. He did not say anything about his benevolent desires. He had no money, but he had given freely of what he had. He was like Peter, who said to the man who asked for alms, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I unto thee” (Acts 3:6). Too many of us are disposed to be generous with such as we have not.
“Pretty bad walking, neighbor,” he said cheerily. “Take my arm and maybe you can get along better. I am going your way; that is, if you will tell me where you live.” He did not stop until he had seen the man safe in the little room and had succeeded in kindling a fire. He filled the cracks around the window with paper, and left the poor man by his steaming kettle, cheered and comforted. He did not say anything about his benevolent desires. He had no money, but he had given freely of what he had. He was like Peter, who said to the man who asked for alms, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I unto thee” (Acts 3:6). Too many of us are disposed to be generous with such as we have not.