Unconscious Goodness
If you are abiding in Christ, you are reproducing yourself in thousands of instances when you are wholly unaware of it. Out of the personal relationship between the soul and Christ come the fruits of holy living. The vine does not bear fruit of itself; it bears its fruit through the branches. Our unconscious influence thus becomes far more fruitful than our conscious influence. In the last great day many will bewail that they have accomplished so little, and, looking at the scanty results, will say, “When saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink?” (Matt. 25:37). To find that unconsciously their lives had abounded in fruits well-pleasing in the Master’s sight. It is from such holy lives as this that is derived our Master’s highest joy. It is when the whole body of Christ becomes instinct with His Spirit that the world is made conscious of His divine headship over the church.