Paul’s Passion for Souls
He was, at Rome, a prisoner under military custody, chained by the arm both night and day to one of the Praetorian Guard. What passion for souls burned like a pent-up fire in his bones when he not only turned his lodgings into a sanctuary, “receiving all who came to him,” but actually used his close contact with these soldiers as a means of extending his acquaintance and influence. With these sentries he spoke of the great salvation, until, as they relieved each other, he was brought into contact with the whole bodyguard unit in turn; and this is doubtless what he means when in Philippians 1:13 (NIV), he says that his bonds became manifest in Christ throughout the whole of the Palace Guard. Grand man! the clank of whose chain, like the pomegranates and bells on the high priest’s robe, were vocal with the music of the Gospel’s message! who could not be kept from witnessing to Christ and winning souls even by present fetters and prospective martyrdom!