Saved Others But Could Not Save Herself

A little girl eleven years old, who was doing the housework in her home in Elizabeth, New Jersey, during the sickness of her mother, was suddenly horrified to see that her little baby brother had upset the lamp, and his clothing had taken fire. She determined to save the child, and ran with him to a lounge, screaming for help. She rolled him over and over until the flames were put out, although her own clothing had taken fire and she was being burned to death while she was making sure of the baby’s safety. She saved the baby, and he was not badly burned, but the heroic girl died after a few hours. The brave little girl was living in the spirit of Him who, when he was hanging upon the cross, was mocked by his persecutors, with the insulting challenge that was truer than they knew, “He saved others; himself he cannot save” (Matt. 27:42; Mark 15:31).

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