Useless Knowledge
The prompt action of a young woman had saved the life of a man whose arm had been almost severed from his body. When the others were praising her for what she had done, she replied modestly that she deserved no special praise, as her teacher at school had taught her what to do under such circumstances.
“Oh, I knew that, too,” exclaimed another young lady, “and if anyone had asked how to stop the flow of blood from a wound, I could have given the answer just as it is in the book; but I never thought of applying it to this case.”
The young woman is a typical character. In cases of spiritual peril, a good many of us, who could give the answer “just as it is in the Book,” never think of applying our knowledge for the benefit of those who are in danger. Too many, who know the great Physician for themselves, never seem to think of sending their friends to him.
“Oh, I knew that, too,” exclaimed another young lady, “and if anyone had asked how to stop the flow of blood from a wound, I could have given the answer just as it is in the book; but I never thought of applying it to this case.”
The young woman is a typical character. In cases of spiritual peril, a good many of us, who could give the answer “just as it is in the Book,” never think of applying our knowledge for the benefit of those who are in danger. Too many, who know the great Physician for themselves, never seem to think of sending their friends to him.