Why He Loved Her
A young woman who runs a power sewing machine for fifty hours a week in a factory tells the following story of her married life: “My husband, left an orphan, never had a chance to go to school or learn a trade. He is a hard worker and makes very little money, but he loves me enough to trust me with all he earns. My husband does not go to saloons or places of that sort, and he never goes out for pleasure without me. Do you think it hurts me that he can’t give me fine clothes when every day he tells me I am the best thing God ever gave him? Every night he kisses my hands that have worked so hard all day. We have been married over a year and never a cross word has been spoken. I did not know anyone could be so happy. Do you think I mind working to help a man like that? His love makes everything worthwhile. Here is a man, ignorant of books, with no business training, yet possessing the rare faculty that guides his home life in ways of happiness and peace.