Keeping Your Vow

Are you keeping your vow? Take your devotion for your church. Don’t you remember, when you were converted, how you loved the services of the church? I remember when I first experienced a change of heart—it was in an old schoolhouse in the country. My mother was by my side talking to me. I felt a load roll away from my heart, and I felt good. They were singing that good old hymn: “Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power.”
I shall never forget my feelings. I wanted to stay there all night and sing. Many years have passed; mother has gone to heaven; the old log house has been torn down; but I love that spot.
You felt that way, too. I fancy, when Sunday morning came, you were the first in Sunday School. You were always on hand at prayer meeting. But how about it today? It was so in your giving. At first you gave your money liberally and freely; but now it takes a dozen church collectors to get it out of you, and you growl and whine over pocket change when you then rejoiced in dollars. How about your vows, brother?

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