Saved by a Tract
At a tea meeting in an English seaside town, a poor woman asked permission to speak. When the minister reluctantly consented, she told a terrible story of sin and wretchedness, culminating in a resolve on her part to murder her husband, if as usual he came home drunk, and then to kill herself. She went to look at the place where she meant to drown herself, and on her return found that someone had laid a tract on her table. She always refused to read tracts, but the title of this one caught and held her attention. It was, “The greater the sinner, the greater the Savior.” This went to her heart, and she cried to the Savior for mercy. To her surprise her husband came home sober and continued so to the end of the week, bringing home his wages. She told him of the tract, and at his proposal they went to church together. Not finding at first what helped them, they went to different churches, till they heard the gospel plainly preached. “And now,” she said, “I hope and believe we are both saved from God’s wrath, which we so certainly deserved, by that great Savior, whose great mercy the tract sets forth, and whose Son you so constantly proclaim.”