Soul-Winning Invalid

Dr. J. G. K. McClure tells about an invalid woman residing at Springfield, Illinois, who had been bedridden for seventeen years and was almost helpless. For many years she had been praying to God in a general way to save souls. One day she asked for pen and paper. “She wrote down the names of fifty-seven acquaintances. She prayed for each of these by name three times a day. She wrote them letters telling them of her interest in them. She also wrote to Christian friends, in whom she knew these persons had confidence, and urged them to speak to these persons about their souls’ welfare and to do their best to persuade them to repent and believe. She had unquestioning faith in God. In her humble, earnest dependence upon Him she thus interceded for the unsaved. In time every one of those fifty-seven persons avowed faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior.”

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