Death-Chair Testimony

Billy had been a bad man on the outside—so bad that he was sentenced to die for his crimes. However, while on death row in a Southern prison, Billy finally met Christ Jesus, and was able to lead several other death-row inmates to the Lord.
But in January, Billy’s execution date arrived. The following account was told by a volunteer chaplain, who had been instrumental in leading Billy to his Savior.
Several people were on hand to witness the execution, including a woman who had been a key witness against Billy at his trial. This woman hated Billy, doubtless with good reason.
A closed curtain covered the window between the viewing room and the electric chair while preparations were completed. Before the curtain was opened, the audience in the viewing room heard someone singing, “Amazing Grace.” Then, when the curtain opened, they realized the singer was Billy. His last request had been to sing that song as a witness of his changed life. When he finished, he nodded to the executioner, and went to meet his Lord.
The chaplain, who was also present, saw that the woman was so touched that she began to cry, and he was able to lead her also to receive Christ as her Savior. Even in his death, Billy gave a powerful witness to his beloved Lord.
—Nathan Chandler

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