Fighting for Victory
There will come a world where there will be no temptation—a garden with no serpent, a city with no sin. The harvest day will come, and the wheat be gathered safe into the Master’s barn. It will be very sweet and glorious. Our tired hearts rest on the promises with peaceful delight. But that time is not yet. Here are our tempted lives, and here, right in the midst of us, stands our tempted Savior. If we are men, we shall meet temptation as He met it, in the strength of the God who is the Father of whom all men are children. Every temptation that attacks us attacked Him, and was conquered. We are fighting against a defeated enemy. We are struggling for a victory which is already won. That may be our strength and assurance as we recall, whenever our struggle becomes hottest and most trying, the wonderful and blessed day when Jesus was “led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.”