He Saw the Point

A minister was boarding at a certain farmhouse. The farmer was not a Christian, but his wife had been praying for him for some time, and the minister was awaiting his opportunity to make the meaning of Calvary plain to him. Early one morning the farmer beckoned to the minister to follow him out to the chicken house. There on one of the nests sat a hen with a brood of chickens peeping out from under her wings.
“Touch her, Mr.—,” the farmer said.
As the minister put his hand on the hen he found that she was cold.
“Look at that wound in her head,” the farmer continued. “A weasel has sucked all the blood from her body, and she never once moved for fear the little beast would get her chicks.”
“Oh,” said he, “that was just like Christ. He endured all that suffering on the Cross. He could have moved and saved His own life, but He wouldn’t, because you and I were under His wings. If He had moved, we would have been lost.”
The farmer saw the point, and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.

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