The age of miracles has not passed. To take a young man who has been indifferent, who has been living along as though this world were all, and suddenly confront him with the call of Christ, and have him yield to that call so that he turns away from the things he has loved, and enters upon a new life, rejoicing in the fellowship of Jesus Christ, is surely a greater miracle than to cure a man of leprosy. One Sunday evening a young man heard the story of Christ’s love and yielded his heart to it. It was the first time he had ever been in the church where this wonderful change was brought. A few days afterward I received a letter from him that opened with these words: “I have found much peace with my Savior, whom I accepted as my personal Savior last Sunday evening. I only regret that I did not take that step a long time ago; but now, as a young man, twenty-four years of age, I shall do all that is in my power to advance his kingdom. Oh, how grand it is to be a Christian! I have enjoyed unspeakable comfort, peace, and joy during the past week.”