Those Christ Saves
A businessman brought a thirty-year-old man to a summer Bible conference who was paralyzed from his hips down. As he sat beside the soul-winner on a bench under the trees, he expressed his desire to be saved. He said, “I believe everything in the Bible,” but it gave him no peace. The Christian then inquired of him whether he knew he was lost, to which he replied he did. The inquiry was then made as to whether he knew that Christ is the One who saves and the only One who can save. He replied also to this that he believed it. Just at this point a public bus drew up in front of the conference grounds and the Christian said to his lame friend, “that bus is intended to carry everybody into the city, is it not?” “Yes,” he replied. “Does it carry everyone?” he asked. “No,” he said, “only those who get into the bus.” He had hardly made this statement when the light of God broke into his soul. “I see!” he said. “Christ came to save everybody, but He saves only those who take Him: The light of heaven flooded his soul. The peace of God filled his heart. His face became radiant with joy. He had entered into the Lord Jesus by faith.