White Christmas
Did your wish for a White Christmas come true?
A majority of the world will not see a white Christmas at any time in their life, much less this Christmas. But whatever the color of your holiday, may it be a joyous one.
Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” is one of the all-time, most popular songs. Yet for all its expression of yearning for the ambiance of a purely ivory landscape, the words were not the desires of its composer. Even though Berlin was born in Russia and lived in New York, he headed south to Florida during his winters, as often as he could.
Snow is often coupled with adjectives such as pristine, virginal and pure. Today’s celebration is about a pristine God who sent his virginal Son to earth that we might be pure. After he grew up, a spotless Jesus said to a group who were looking for a better way of living: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matt. 5:8 NIV). If today, this is the upward motivation you need, you’ll want to pray this Psalmist’s prayer: “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Ps. 51:7). Your request for purity will make this the Whitest Christmas ever!
Make sure your life is as pure “as wind-driven snow.”
A majority of the world will not see a white Christmas at any time in their life, much less this Christmas. But whatever the color of your holiday, may it be a joyous one.
Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” is one of the all-time, most popular songs. Yet for all its expression of yearning for the ambiance of a purely ivory landscape, the words were not the desires of its composer. Even though Berlin was born in Russia and lived in New York, he headed south to Florida during his winters, as often as he could.
Snow is often coupled with adjectives such as pristine, virginal and pure. Today’s celebration is about a pristine God who sent his virginal Son to earth that we might be pure. After he grew up, a spotless Jesus said to a group who were looking for a better way of living: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matt. 5:8 NIV). If today, this is the upward motivation you need, you’ll want to pray this Psalmist’s prayer: “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Ps. 51:7). Your request for purity will make this the Whitest Christmas ever!
Make sure your life is as pure “as wind-driven snow.”