Family Worship
Richard Knill, who had the advantage of a mother who prayed for him and with him as a boy, but forgot her counsels when he went from home as an apprentice, has given us the story of his conversion as follows: “When at Mr. Evans’, I came down night and morning to family prayer. This was a new and strange scene to me. I had never been present at family prayer in my life. The first night that I was in this good man’s house, about nine o’clock, he rang the bell, and his shopmen and servants all came into the parlor and sat down. I looked with surprise, and wondered what was coming next. When all were seated, he opened the Bible and read a portion, and thus let God speak to his household. They then arose and fell upon their knees. The sight overpowered me. I trembled—I almost fainted. At last I kneeled down too. I thought of my past life; I thought of my present position; I thought: ‘Can such a guilty creature be saved?’”
This was the beginning of the spiritual life of a modern apostle.
This was the beginning of the spiritual life of a modern apostle.